Supporting the growth of Taoism
In the past we had a set fee for being a member of the ITS. Now people have asked for the option to make regular donations and so we don't have a set price for becoming a member.
You can choose from the options below depending on your personal circumstances and how much you would like to support our work.
Of course, being a member does open up certain opportunities that are not open to non-members. For example, opportunities to attend courses run by Laoba and Laoma at venues around the world, annual assessments of your development within the Taoist Arts, invitations to attend special workshops when we host visiting Taoists from China and the possibility of being invited on the Taoist Trail trips to China.
Joining also grants you access to comprehensive video lessons covering the 9th Ban Syllabus in both the Yin and the Yang Arts.
Please scroll down and select how you would like to contribute to the ITS so we can continue giving more people opportunities to learn and benefit from the taoist culture. Thank you.

Course curriculum
Welcome to the ITS
1. Introduction to the 9th Ban Syllabus
2. Introduction to the Yin Arts
3. Standing Qigong
4. Dao Yin
5. Kai Men
6. Stances and Steps
7. Three Section Breathing
8. Qi Expressions
9. Loose Gripping
10. Square Yard
11. Fei Shou
12. Eight Pushes
13. Adhering Hands
14. Conclusion
Dao Yin
Introduction to the Yang Arts
2. Footflow
3. Evasions
4. Du Shou
5. Shou Bi Fa
6. Rollaways
7. Arm Locks and Wrist Locks
8. Single Self Defence
9. Mass Attack
10. Yang Arts Conclusion
5. Shou Bi Fa
First Chapter
Laoba's 50 years of training in Lishi presentation
Chee Soo Military Career War History Presentation

About this course
- £97.00 / year
- 34 lessons
- 2 hours of video content